this week agak pressure even my expression doesnt looks like im pressure..ngeee~~
gile la...tak sabar nak final..coz after final tak perlu la fikir banyak sangat...tapi this week agak serabot...tataw mane nk cikau tution fees...ngeee~~~ ayah and ibu macam malas je nak layan if i ask about that..huhuhu...sabo je la...usaha tangga kejayaan awien..chayokk!!!!!
assignment berlambak..mase-mase serabut la hai bayank assignment..huhuhu....dah la nak fikir tentang yuran..then slip exam..patu fikir nk stay mane next semester...then, tentang course registration yang pening je kepala...dah la managment UNiSEL ni mcm taik je...should be UNiHELL...geram je!!!!!
Demam and semput dah agak kurang..hhehehe..yippie!!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
bumi nan hijau...sayang kan ia..lalalala
Hello to all my readers. thanks coz still mengikuti perkembangan my blog..hahahaha...
So, minggu ni amat hangat dengan program earth hour.. di mana negara yang terlibat itu perlu mematikan lampu selama 1 hour iaitu 60 minit..i pun mengikuti program ini..di UNiSEL, program tayangan video dilancarkan oleh pelajar program Environmental Health. Thanks kepada my friend Farinnz yang baynak bagi info..hehehe..
Ada satu malam tu. pelajar program ni menganjurkan tayangan video .tak silap i bertajuk incovinience truth.cerita tentang glodal warming.this program really membuka mata and my mind yang selama ini lalai and lupa tentang bumi kita.Tahukah anda, panas yang anda rasai ketika ini, pada zaman ini, sepatut nya akan berlaku pada 600, 000 tahun akan datang. i rase amat terkejut when terdengar tentang perkara ini.bertanbah terkejeut apabila melihat slide gambar kawasan-kawasan yang dulu nya dilitupi salji.tapi kini hanya tinggal tasik and seumpama nya.agak rasa sedih juga coz manusia macam tak endah kan bumi lagi.
banjir kilat, hurican, gempa bumi, kemarau and macam-macam lagi bencana alam, semua ini disebabkan oleh global warming.sebab tu lah program earth hour di jalankan.
sebut tentang program earth hour.kini telah dijalankan di negara kita iaitu Malaysia. tapi yang sedih nya.sambutan tak menggalak sanagt.macam takde pape je.masih ade lampu di jalan raya.masih ade lagi ruma yang tak padam kan lampu. kenapa lah kita tak macam negara yang lain????sanggup bergelapan seluruh negara.sehingga kan lampu di jalan raya juga di padamkan.kenapa Malaysia tak begitu???ohh!!!!takut kan pencuri??jenayah yang semakin berleluasa???tak sanggup nk selamat kan bumi...lebih sayang kan harta benda..pelik kan???hope, 1 hari nanti warga Malaysia buka mata luas-luas...hehehehe
oh ya!i amat sayang kan bumi.Lets prevent global warming...jummmmmmmm
So, minggu ni amat hangat dengan program earth hour.. di mana negara yang terlibat itu perlu mematikan lampu selama 1 hour iaitu 60 minit..i pun mengikuti program ini..di UNiSEL, program tayangan video dilancarkan oleh pelajar program Environmental Health. Thanks kepada my friend Farinnz yang baynak bagi info..hehehe..
Ada satu malam tu. pelajar program ni menganjurkan tayangan video .tak silap i bertajuk incovinience truth.cerita tentang glodal warming.this program really membuka mata and my mind yang selama ini lalai and lupa tentang bumi kita.Tahukah anda, panas yang anda rasai ketika ini, pada zaman ini, sepatut nya akan berlaku pada 600, 000 tahun akan datang. i rase amat terkejut when terdengar tentang perkara ini.bertanbah terkejeut apabila melihat slide gambar kawasan-kawasan yang dulu nya dilitupi salji.tapi kini hanya tinggal tasik and seumpama nya.agak rasa sedih juga coz manusia macam tak endah kan bumi lagi.
banjir kilat, hurican, gempa bumi, kemarau and macam-macam lagi bencana alam, semua ini disebabkan oleh global warming.sebab tu lah program earth hour di jalankan.
sebut tentang program earth hour.kini telah dijalankan di negara kita iaitu Malaysia. tapi yang sedih nya.sambutan tak menggalak sanagt.macam takde pape je.masih ade lampu di jalan raya.masih ade lagi ruma yang tak padam kan lampu. kenapa lah kita tak macam negara yang lain????sanggup bergelapan seluruh negara.sehingga kan lampu di jalan raya juga di padamkan.kenapa Malaysia tak begitu???ohh!!!!takut kan pencuri??jenayah yang semakin berleluasa???tak sanggup nk selamat kan bumi...lebih sayang kan harta benda..pelik kan???hope, 1 hari nanti warga Malaysia buka mata luas-luas...hehehehe
oh ya!i amat sayang kan bumi.Lets prevent global warming...jummmmmmmm
Thursday, March 19, 2009
complicated ke???
tataw nak cakap ape...
ape pendapat u all
bekerja sambil belaja?????? :DD
Monday, March 16, 2009
my marriage age is...
How old are you going to be when you get married?
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is__"
[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[ ] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
[x] You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[X] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[X] You've never gotten a detention
[ ] You have never smoked a cigarette
[X] You have never gotten completely trashed
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[X] You like to take walks by yourself
[X] You've watched talk shows.
[X] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[ ] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 7
[X] You know how to do the dishes
[X] You can count to 10 in another language.
[X] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[X] My parents trust me
[X] You can mow the lawn
[X] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[X] You study when you have to
[X] You pay attention at school/college
[X] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 9
[X] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[ ] You work out on a regular basis.
[X] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at StarbucksBakerzin know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[ ] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[X] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[X] You can type quickly
[ ] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[ ] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[X] You can say no to staying out all night
[ ] You use the internet every day
[ ] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[X] You can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 2
My marriage age is 26
(i dunno la btol ke tak..hahaha)
Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is__"
[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[ ] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
[x] You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[X] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[X] You've never gotten a detention
[ ] You have never smoked a cigarette
[X] You have never gotten completely trashed
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[X] You like to take walks by yourself
[X] You've watched talk shows.
[X] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[ ] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 7
[X] You know how to do the dishes
[X] You can count to 10 in another language.
[X] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[X] My parents trust me
[X] You can mow the lawn
[X] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[X] You study when you have to
[X] You pay attention at school/college
[X] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 9
[X] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[ ] You work out on a regular basis.
[X] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at StarbucksBakerzin know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[ ] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[X] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[X] You can type quickly
[ ] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[ ] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[X] You can say no to staying out all night
[ ] You use the internet every day
[ ] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[X] You can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 2
My marriage age is 26
(i dunno la btol ke tak..hahaha)
yg nak kawen,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
iklan Malaysia pun ade hantu??
hi my readers...
hari ini hujan aje kan? today nak share something yang buat kan ku tertanye-tanye..sama ade benda niey benar or tak..huhuhu...agak creepy je when my aunt ku iklan Malaysia iaitu iklan dequadin pastil tu ade hantu..betul ke????alaaaa...korang tawu tak..iklan yang orang sakit tekak tu jerit cepaatttt!!!!hikkkkk
cube la korang tengok video niey...tengok pada mase 0.08/0.20....wuuuu..im sure korang akan nampak lembaga warna hitam kat blah blakang...tapi tataw la itu makhluk ape....ramai yang cakap itu mumok..ngeeeehahahaha...seram je
selamat menonton video
hari ini hujan aje kan? today nak share something yang buat kan ku tertanye-tanye..sama ade benda niey benar or tak..huhuhu...agak creepy je when my aunt ku iklan Malaysia iaitu iklan dequadin pastil tu ade hantu..betul ke????alaaaa...korang tawu tak..iklan yang orang sakit tekak tu jerit cepaatttt!!!!hikkkkk
cube la korang tengok video niey...tengok pada mase 0.08/0.20....wuuuu..im sure korang akan nampak lembaga warna hitam kat blah blakang...tapi tataw la itu makhluk ape....ramai yang cakap itu mumok..ngeeeehahahaha...seram je
selamat menonton video
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My Jasmine
Hello and hi to new readers...thanks coz sudi jadi part of people i love..haha :))
Today, i would like to update about the previous post..ingat lagi tak yang ku pernah mention about my new cousin..Semalam ku visit baby itu..hikkkkk!!!amat chumil
Name penoh bayi itu adalah Cahaya Jasmine Binti Izwan...Izwan adalah pakcik ku...huhuhu..umur dier hari ini masuk 1 minggu..Ciri-ciri bayi itu adalah Jasmine berkulit halus (biase lah..bayi lagi kan), rambut hitam lebat..panjang dan seberat 2.8 kg...wuuu kecik je tapi panjang...dier pasti tinggi bile dah besar nanti..kankankan!!! Jasmine nie ade hidung mancung tau...ikut papa dier la katakan...ngeee...nak je tarik hidung dier tu.. :))
Well, her lips sangat kemerah-merahan...geram je ku tengok..hikkk!!!Ouh ya!!Jasmine also have cleft chin tau..ikut ibu dier....hehehe...she must be pretty..kankankan...
Tapi kan...semlalam kesian tau tengok Jasmine..coz asyik di buli oleh sis dier yang Cempaka Zahraa' tu...huhuhu...ade ke patut kene himpap dengan kakak dier???dah la Jasmine tu baru je 1 week...hehehe...Jasmine niey steady...takkuat nangis..steady je..kan jasmine kan..
I damn love this baby!!
Today, i would like to update about the previous post..ingat lagi tak yang ku pernah mention about my new cousin..Semalam ku visit baby itu..hikkkkk!!!amat chumil
Name penoh bayi itu adalah Cahaya Jasmine Binti Izwan...Izwan adalah pakcik ku...huhuhu..umur dier hari ini masuk 1 minggu..Ciri-ciri bayi itu adalah Jasmine berkulit halus (biase lah..bayi lagi kan), rambut hitam lebat..panjang dan seberat 2.8 kg...wuuu kecik je tapi panjang...dier pasti tinggi bile dah besar nanti..kankankan!!! Jasmine nie ade hidung mancung tau...ikut papa dier la katakan...ngeee...nak je tarik hidung dier tu.. :))
Well, her lips sangat kemerah-merahan...geram je ku tengok..hikkk!!!Ouh ya!!Jasmine also have cleft chin tau..ikut ibu dier....hehehe...she must be pretty..kankankan...
Tapi kan...semlalam kesian tau tengok Jasmine..coz asyik di buli oleh sis dier yang Cempaka Zahraa' tu...huhuhu...ade ke patut kene himpap dengan kakak dier???dah la Jasmine tu baru je 1 week...hehehe...Jasmine niey steady...takkuat nangis..steady je..kan jasmine kan..
I damn love this baby!!
baby love,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
farah abdul rahim tagged me...
Tagged by: Farah Abdul Rahim
If you're tagged, you gotta write 100 Truths about yourself!
Last beverage ? mineral water Spritzer 1.5L
Last phone call ? i call hani..ajak pegi mkn
Last text message ? hehee..fown celcom:from my bibee..maxis: from Hani
Last song you listened to ?Ingrid Michealson- be ok...(i love this)
Last time you cried ?last night..wuuu....terharu dengan someone
Dated someone twice ?yep..Been cheated on ? hehehe...ade3
Kissed someone & regretted it? hahaha..how about kissed but not regretted??
Lost someone special? no comment
Fallen out of love ? no, im not
Laughed until you cried ?hahaha nope...(teruk lol if laughed till cried)
Met someone who changed your life ? yess3...every week i met
Found out someone was talking about you? yes of course
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? there's so many..not enough counting using hand and toe fingers..hahaha
Do you have any pets ? yes i do have it :)) i have hamsters
Do you want to change your name? no...i dont want..
What time did you wake up today ? 9.30 a.m...hehehe...someone woke me up!!
What were you doing at midnight last night ? playing sudoku..damn, i love this game :))
Name something you cannot wait for? picnic lol...ngeee...da lame x picnic :(
The last time you saw your father? last week..mase hantar ke hostel
What's one thing you wish you could change? my past time....wuuu
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ? waaaa!!yesh2 kuntum..i call him tom..hahha
What's getting on your nerves right now? i have presentation on tuesday...waaaa
What's your real name? Norazwin binti samsudin
Elementary/Primary School ?SEK KEB Seksyen 20 Shah Alam
Middle/Secondary School ?SMK Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi, SMK Seksyen 11 Shah Alam
High School/College ? Unisel Shah Alam
Hair color ? Black..not really black..coffee maybe ;))
Long or short ? heheh...long hair.
Are you a health freak? hehe..yes of course...i hate headache
Righty or lefty?right right and right!
First surgery? ngeeee...never ever!
First piercing? mase tu im 5 years old :)
First best friend? aishah nasuha suhaimi, Noraida rosni and arvin..mish they all!!
First sport you joined? sukaneka mase tadika...hikkk!!!
First pet? debab my rabbit
First vacation?perlis..mase tu sgt kecik..wuuuu
Drinking ?nope..
Waiting ? waiting for my meal...hahaha...
Want kids? heheh...of course..nk create my generation..hahaha!!
Want to get married??yes, kalaw tak..macam mane nk dapat anak..hikkkk
careers in mind? researcher, scientist in agriculture..pharmacist..forensic....waaaa..berangan je. :))
Drank Wine/Beer/alcohol ?wow!!nope :))
Lost glasses/contacts ? hahaha..also nope
Ran away from home ?aaaaaaa...no comment
Broken someone's heart? hahaha...yes..tapi mase dulu..now tak..ngee
Been arrested?waaaa...ouh tidakk
Cried when someone died? nope...wuuu.tak elok taw
Yourself ? yeah of course..hehe
Miracles ?sometimes it happen to me :)
Love at first sight ? hahaha..yess
Heaven ?yes too
Kiss on the first date? waaa...nope
Angels ? yes of course
Is there one person you want to be with right now? yes i have
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? waaaa...never..
Do you believe in God? yes i believe!
If you're tagged, you gotta write 100 Truths about yourself!
Last beverage ? mineral water Spritzer 1.5L
Last phone call ? i call hani..ajak pegi mkn
Last text message ? hehee..fown celcom:from my bibee..maxis: from Hani
Last song you listened to ?Ingrid Michealson- be ok...(i love this)
Last time you cried ?last night..wuuu....terharu dengan someone
Dated someone twice ?yep..Been cheated on ? hehehe...ade3
Kissed someone & regretted it? hahaha..how about kissed but not regretted??
Lost someone special? no comment
Fallen out of love ? no, im not
Laughed until you cried ?hahaha nope...(teruk lol if laughed till cried)
Met someone who changed your life ? yess3...every week i met
Found out someone was talking about you? yes of course
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? there's so many..not enough counting using hand and toe fingers..hahaha
Do you have any pets ? yes i do have it :)) i have hamsters
Do you want to change your name? no...i dont want..
What time did you wake up today ? 9.30 a.m...hehehe...someone woke me up!!
What were you doing at midnight last night ? playing sudoku..damn, i love this game :))
Name something you cannot wait for? picnic lol...ngeee...da lame x picnic :(
The last time you saw your father? last week..mase hantar ke hostel
What's one thing you wish you could change? my past time....wuuu
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ? waaaa!!yesh2 kuntum..i call him tom..hahha
What's getting on your nerves right now? i have presentation on tuesday...waaaa
What's your real name? Norazwin binti samsudin
Elementary/Primary School ?SEK KEB Seksyen 20 Shah Alam
Middle/Secondary School ?SMK Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi, SMK Seksyen 11 Shah Alam
High School/College ? Unisel Shah Alam
Hair color ? Black..not really black..coffee maybe ;))
Long or short ? heheh...long hair.
Are you a health freak? hehe..yes of course...i hate headache
Righty or lefty?right right and right!
First surgery? ngeeee...never ever!
First piercing? mase tu im 5 years old :)
First best friend? aishah nasuha suhaimi, Noraida rosni and arvin..mish they all!!
First sport you joined? sukaneka mase tadika...hikkk!!!
First pet? debab my rabbit
First vacation?perlis..mase tu sgt kecik..wuuuu
Drinking ?nope..
Waiting ? waiting for my meal...hahaha...
Want kids? heheh...of course..nk create my generation..hahaha!!
Want to get married??yes, kalaw tak..macam mane nk dapat anak..hikkkk
careers in mind? researcher, scientist in agriculture..pharmacist..forensic....waaaa..berangan je. :))
Drank Wine/Beer/alcohol ?wow!!nope :))
Lost glasses/contacts ? hahaha..also nope
Ran away from home ?aaaaaaa...no comment
Broken someone's heart? hahaha...yes..tapi mase dulu..now tak..ngee
Been arrested?waaaa...ouh tidakk
Cried when someone died? nope...wuuu.tak elok taw
Yourself ? yeah of course..hehe
Miracles ?sometimes it happen to me :)
Love at first sight ? hahaha..yess
Heaven ?yes too
Kiss on the first date? waaa...nope
Angels ? yes of course
Is there one person you want to be with right now? yes i have
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? waaaa...never..
Do you believe in God? yes i believe!
Friday, March 6, 2009
cosmetic's lover
Who's cosmetics lover???
please read this!
Wednesday yang lalu (4 march 2009), MAC cosmetics malaysia launch new product...iaitu "Hello Kitty Edition"...gile sangat2 when look at their stuff!!! Makes me crazy...cute2 belake... :))
Hari tu memang unexpected...i ingat kan my aunt just fetch me di unisel untuk teman kan die shopping cosmetics di MAC Mid Valley. i pown ikut je la...waaa....dalam kereta baru my aunt says to me yang ade event MAC di Mid Valley.
So, di sane i met celebrities and media...huhuhu...ade Dynas, Sazzy Falak, Aishah Sinclair, Zizan Nin, Syafinaz and many more...waaaa...i sempat talk2 with Aishah Sinclare yang sangat adorable..hikkk!!!!! I admit, die tak sombong taw.... :))
So, mase entry the party, i got goody bag..hehehe....kiut3...sebelum balik juge i sempat grab 4 balloons Hello Kitty....overall, stuff Hello Kitty Edition memang sangat kiut and color stuff tu pown cam best taw...so grab it one...i da ade...korang????ape tunggu lgi...jom shopping!!!!
please read this!
Wednesday yang lalu (4 march 2009), MAC cosmetics malaysia launch new product...iaitu "Hello Kitty Edition"...gile sangat2 when look at their stuff!!! Makes me crazy...cute2 belake... :))
Hari tu memang unexpected...i ingat kan my aunt just fetch me di unisel untuk teman kan die shopping cosmetics di MAC Mid Valley. i pown ikut je la...waaa....dalam kereta baru my aunt says to me yang ade event MAC di Mid Valley.
So, di sane i met celebrities and media...huhuhu...ade Dynas, Sazzy Falak, Aishah Sinclair, Zizan Nin, Syafinaz and many more...waaaa...i sempat talk2 with Aishah Sinclare yang sangat adorable..hikkk!!!!! I admit, die tak sombong taw.... :))
So, mase entry the party, i got goody bag..hehehe....kiut3...sebelum balik juge i sempat grab 4 balloons Hello Kitty....overall, stuff Hello Kitty Edition memang sangat kiut and color stuff tu pown cam best taw...so grab it one...i da ade...korang????ape tunggu lgi...jom shopping!!!!
new cousin
bertarikh kan 5 March 2009
lahir seorang puteri
(tak tahu la ape name die)
baby girl
merangkap adik kepada si Cempaka Zahraa'
aku ade cousin kecik lagi!
ouh no
erape la umur ku nanti if baby ni 18 years old nanti
sure ku da ade anak kut
pic baby ni akan di update nanti coz saye tak visit die lagi ;))
bertarikh kan 5 March 2009
lahir seorang puteri
(tak tahu la ape name die)
baby girl
merangkap adik kepada si Cempaka Zahraa'
aku ade cousin kecik lagi!
ouh no
erape la umur ku nanti if baby ni 18 years old nanti
sure ku da ade anak kut
pic baby ni akan di update nanti coz saye tak visit die lagi ;))
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
petang yang indah
my <3>
Petang tadi sangat indah coz dapat bersame-same dengan kawan2 seperjuangan...hehehe...(budak biotech 1 class dengan aku lol)..kami ke tasik taw petang tadi...kebetulan ade cousin Nado yang bername Didie, merangkap kawan ku mase tution dulu..hikkkk
So, mase tengah jejalan kat tasik tu...ouh..lupe nak bagitawu..kami ke tasik section 7 shah alam..hahaha...okayh...mase tengah jalan2tu...Didie cakap dengan ku...ajak la sape2 lepak skali..so, ku pown buntu n bingung...(tataw nk ajak sape)hahaha
So, ku pown membelek2 la my fown book (sape la ku nk call ni)..tibe2 ter pandang pade name abang senior Unisel..hahaha...ku eri la number tu pade Didie...si Didie ni pandai, die call number tu and menyamar jadi ku...waaaaa (jage la kaw Didie..hehee)..and abang tu pown da bantai heran+pelik..hahaha..pehal la pulak budak ni call...padehal tak pena lepak same pown...
Kami pown menanti abang senior kami tu dengan penuh harapan...(ceh!tak boleh blah)...hehehe...ouh ya!Lupe nk mention...abang tu senior Biotech jugak..hikkk...tunggu tunggu and tunggu...maka muncul la abang tu...hahaha..boleh tahan jugak lepak dengan abang ni...(psiko lebih..takut2)hehehe...pecah perut and kejang pipi dibuat nye..hehehe...gelak gelak and gelak...kahkahkah..tu je la santapan kami petang tadi..huhuhu....besh jugak...banyak perkare yang kami perkatakan...huhuhu...pastu azan maghrib..wuuu...abang tu suruh kami pulang..kami pown pulang dengan riang2... ;))
p/s: aku tak tawu la...knape kan ayat aku macam budak spm BM...hahahaha :P
abang senior: teka lah abang asal dari mane
yang tulis: waaa.susah nye
fiza: excited la nk tawu sampai da mcm dikir barat ni...
nado: (tersenyum je...hahah...nape ntah dengan Nado)
hani: okie2..akan kurang kan overnite
Petang tadi sangat indah coz dapat bersame-same dengan kawan2 seperjuangan...hehehe...(budak biotech 1 class dengan aku lol)..kami ke tasik taw petang tadi...kebetulan ade cousin Nado yang bername Didie, merangkap kawan ku mase tution dulu..hikkkk
So, mase tengah jejalan kat tasik tu...ouh..lupe nak bagitawu..kami ke tasik section 7 shah alam..hahaha...okayh...mase tengah jalan2tu...Didie cakap dengan ku...ajak la sape2 lepak skali..so, ku pown buntu n bingung...(tataw nk ajak sape)hahaha
So, ku pown membelek2 la my fown book (sape la ku nk call ni)..tibe2 ter pandang pade name abang senior Unisel..hahaha...ku eri la number tu pade Didie...si Didie ni pandai, die call number tu and menyamar jadi ku...waaaaa (jage la kaw Didie..hehee)..and abang tu pown da bantai heran+pelik..hahaha..pehal la pulak budak ni call...padehal tak pena lepak same pown...
Kami pown menanti abang senior kami tu dengan penuh harapan...(ceh!tak boleh blah)...hehehe...ouh ya!Lupe nk mention...abang tu senior Biotech jugak..hikkk...tunggu tunggu and tunggu...maka muncul la abang tu...hahaha..boleh tahan jugak lepak dengan abang ni...(psiko lebih..takut2)hehehe...pecah perut and kejang pipi dibuat nye..hehehe...gelak gelak and gelak...kahkahkah..tu je la santapan kami petang tadi..huhuhu....besh jugak...banyak perkare yang kami perkatakan...huhuhu...pastu azan maghrib..wuuu...abang tu suruh kami pulang..kami pown pulang dengan riang2... ;))
p/s: aku tak tawu la...knape kan ayat aku macam budak spm BM...hahahaha :P
abang senior: teka lah abang asal dari mane
yang tulis: waaa.susah nye
fiza: excited la nk tawu sampai da mcm dikir barat ni...
nado: (tersenyum je...hahah...nape ntah dengan Nado)
hani: okie2..akan kurang kan overnite
Sunday, March 1, 2009
say hello to march
waaaa...sekejap aje kan dah tiba bulan march-mac-03...hehehehe...means da almost 2 month ku di unisel shah alam yang lagi aman dan permai...bebas dari tekanan...hahahah!!!!
huhuhu....cuti mid semester break pown dah tamat la nampak gaye nye...huhu...back to skool lol...kena lah fresh kan otak ku balik...hahaha...so far..cuti yang paling membosan kan dalam hidup aku..yang pernah ku lalui...ngeeee...gile tak best lol...ku cuti mase orang tak cuti....tak besh same skali...so...starting count from today..ku ade lagi 7 weeks to study and pulun habis2 utk carry mark...coz the final exam will be another 7 weeks....ngeee!!!!seram3(macam upin n ipin)...
huhuhu....cuti mid semester break pown dah tamat la nampak gaye nye...huhu...back to skool lol...kena lah fresh kan otak ku balik...hahaha...so far..cuti yang paling membosan kan dalam hidup aku..yang pernah ku lalui...ngeeee...gile tak best lol...ku cuti mase orang tak cuti....tak besh same skali...so...starting count from today..ku ade lagi 7 weeks to study and pulun habis2 utk carry mark...coz the final exam will be another 7 weeks....ngeee!!!!seram3(macam upin n ipin)...
so, hope i can do the best best best...hihihi...doa kan utk awien taw!!!
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