Woke up this morning. Checked my twitter.
Guess what i had found?
Baim Wong mention me.
With "XOXO"
I am really appreciate this and excited
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sipping a cup of tea with you guys. happy reading :)
Woke up this morning. Checked my twitter.
Guess what i had found?
Baim Wong mention me.
With "XOXO"
I am really appreciate this and excited
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Hello all.
Sorry for late update.
I'm gonna tell you guys about last Sunday. Hmmm....
I bet everyone did had great weekends. So did i :)
My manager make little potluck for our dwpartment.
Since Usha wanna go for deliver baby soon and will leaves for aciuple months, so my manager decided to make potluck.
I love all these delicious food. Yummay!
*but i still have to control eating. Hihi
Well, i enjoyed pretty much.
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I hate to see this
And this is totally shit
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Apa Jenama Kereta Lu Orang...????
ikutsukaakuisa.blogspotDi Belasah Oleh IsaLu orang guna kereta jenama apa...??? Kat sini gua ada 10 jenama yang hebat2, jenama kereta melambangkan status pemiliknya, jenama kereta juga memainkan peranan peribadi pemiliknya...
So... lu orang dalam golongan mana...????
BMW: Brings MeWomen.
Gua punya warna hitam... selalu parking kat Taman Austin, JB. Sampai hari ni.. tak nampak pun mamat pekida yang nak belasah gua tuuuu... hahaha...!!!!
LEXUS: LuxuryEXports toUnitedStates.
Dah macam kereta mainan pulak....
FIAT: Failure in Italian Automotive Technology.
Orang Malaysia jarang2 pakai brand nih....
FORD: For Only Romantic Drivers
Mat Jiwang suka aaarrr....
VOLVO: Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object.
Blogger Kerajaan Rakyat pakai yang ni laaa.... perghhhh...!!!
PORSCHE: Proof Of Rich Spoiled Children Having Everything.
Pakai kereta nih ada lesen boleh belasah Pengawal Keselamatan beb....
KIA: Kills In Accidents
Waspada jelah.... ajal maut urusan Allah....
OPEL: Old People Enjoying Life
Orang dah pencen jer... boleh pakai kereta nih...
TOYOTA : The One You Only Trust, Always
Gua guna brand nih.... Alhamdulillah... setakat hari ini selamat....
PROTON:Power-window Rosak Oooh Tidaaaakkkk.... Ohhhh Noooooo... !!!!
.... errrrr......
Gua bukannya nak kondem kereta nasional ilham Mamak Mahatet.... tetapi itulah kenyataan dan hakikat produk keluaran PROTON. Harga mahal kualiti macam hampessss.... wa cakap luuuu....!!!!
Proud to be Malaysian!
I love malaysia
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These were my breakfast meal.
Ice tea
Soft boiled eggs
Toasted bread
For lunch i just take 2 sachet of Juvanex :)
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I have decided to start detox program for my body.
This will be continue for a week.
Breakfast : milk tea + toasted bread + soft boiled eggs
Lunch : 2 sachet Juvanex
Dinner : 2 sachet Juvanex + fruits
This is my planner for day 1
Since i just started for this program
Hoping for the good results soon :)
Oh ya!
The taste was very very very good
Taste like lemonade drink.
I love ittttt
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Plsss watch well in the dark oo..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!R&R along highways. . . . be xtremely careful.
This is really important. Especially for those that enter the toilet in the dark or half sleepy.WATCH OUT!!!!! It's real, very real.Its a Cobra !!!!!
Please, be careful and help pass along to your friends and family.
It is important we look properly especially in the dark.
This is the right thing that i've been waiting for.
This will make me happy fo the entire of my life
And only one could throw this word upon me
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