Hi semua...
Hari ni boleh tahan busy dia kan.. Busy kerja lagi, busy as a wife of course dan tak lupa busy as a business woman. Chewah!! 💁💁💁
Maybe some of you don't know yang I buat business online. Actually i've started on 2012 lagi but not serious as today. Alhamdulillah, berkat sokongan dari family, husbNd and of course friends! Splendiza shoppe semakin dikenali ramai...
Ragam customer macam-macam, but just go with the flow... Ada berniaga bila ada complaint and compliment kan.. Nama pun niaga... Hihi
So to all out there, just wanna let you all know.
I have two online shop
1. http://shoppingmurahonline.blogspot.com 👈 we are selling beauty healthy product such as aurawhite yang tengah meletops gilas tusssss. So kepada yang nak minta advice pun. Don't be too shy to share your beauty problem. I can be your beauty sista!! Chewah aigain...
2. http://splendizashoppe.blogspot.com 👈 yang ni pula i jual contact lens. Original from Korea. So far sambutana sangat menggalakkan. And i sell with affordable price. So, jangan lupa grab a pair now. Cuba try test pakai dulu. And see selesa or not. Mesti selesa punya
Alright. Jari i letih lah menaip. Nak rehatkan jari kejap ye. Nanti kita sambung lagi...
Sent from my iPad
Hari ni boleh tahan busy dia kan.. Busy kerja lagi, busy as a wife of course dan tak lupa busy as a business woman. Chewah!! 💁💁💁
Maybe some of you don't know yang I buat business online. Actually i've started on 2012 lagi but not serious as today. Alhamdulillah, berkat sokongan dari family, husbNd and of course friends! Splendiza shoppe semakin dikenali ramai...
Ragam customer macam-macam, but just go with the flow... Ada berniaga bila ada complaint and compliment kan.. Nama pun niaga... Hihi
So to all out there, just wanna let you all know.
I have two online shop
1. http://shoppingmurahonline.blogspot.com 👈 we are selling beauty healthy product such as aurawhite yang tengah meletops gilas tusssss. So kepada yang nak minta advice pun. Don't be too shy to share your beauty problem. I can be your beauty sista!! Chewah aigain...
2. http://splendizashoppe.blogspot.com 👈 yang ni pula i jual contact lens. Original from Korea. So far sambutana sangat menggalakkan. And i sell with affordable price. So, jangan lupa grab a pair now. Cuba try test pakai dulu. And see selesa or not. Mesti selesa punya
Alright. Jari i letih lah menaip. Nak rehatkan jari kejap ye. Nanti kita sambung lagi...
Sent from my iPad
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