Thursday, February 16, 2012

Say NO!

Hi all!! 
I would like to write about Botox. One of my friend promote to me todo Botox. Hmmmm... Of course it is expensive. She said that I can be more pretty after this. The result might be like below :-

Nice right? So i go back and google everything about Botox. Botox came from bacteria named Botulinum Toxin. Huh! What?! TOXINNN???????
No way I will feed my skin and my body with Toxin. And i found one interesting picture down here. And some info too.

The botulinum toxin acts by destroying a protein involved in neurotransmitter release. Thus, by injecting botox into your face, your personal plastic surgeon paralyzes your facial muscles and smoothes those annoying wrinkles. Italian researchers found that, at least in mice, botox doesn’t exactly stay under your skin, but migrates far far away. On its migration paths, botox destroys as many neurotransmitter systems as it can, and it finally reaches your brain and your brain stem. So, botox does not only smooth your wrinkles but also your EEG ;) I personally think many politicians and actors using botox act like if under drug treatments: now we know why!

So, as conclusion I will never ever ever use Botox just to look pretty. I might exercise or do whatever I love to be pretty and healthy. In fact, I just love myself now. And my boyfriend do love if I prefer for NATURAL!

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